Tag Archives | suicide

TED, Amanda Todd, and the Politics of Division

Information Wants To Be Free. Information also wants to be expensive. …That tension will not go away. – Stewart Brand There was an interesting thread on Quora the other day. It was prompted by the question: Why do so many people hate TED? TED of course is the conference franchise that holds yearly global events, [...]

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The Right to Choose: Life or Death?

I’ve written two articles now about the right to die and the right to live. The experiences I had taking care of my mother are what inspired me. I’ve also touched on the controversy surrounding the Liverpool Care Pathway. It’s a care-withdrawal protocol used with terminally ill patients in the UK. At the moment, Canada’s [...]

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The Right to Live

Yesterday I wrote about how I signed a DNR order for my mother and then experienced some difficulty getting doctors to respect its reversal. Today I’m going to continue that discussion and take a look at the Liverpool Care Pathway. The LCP is an eponymous care-withdrawal protocol; doctors in the UK use it with terminally [...]

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The Right to Die

As I write this, a very important decision is being made by the Supreme Court of Canada. The court is deciding if doctors should have the right to withdraw care in cases where patients are unlikely to recover. The Right to Die Movement is one that is quite active in Canada, particularly in British Columbia. [...]

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The Perils of Perfectionism Part 1: Mount Everest

Perils: Noun Plural: Serious and immediate dangers. The dangers or difficulties that arise from particular situations or activities. The Fifth Estate recently told the story of Shyria Shah, the Nepali-Canadian woman who died this past May while making her descent from Mount Everest. She was one of three climbers who died that weekend, the others [...]

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